Lixing Yang, PhD
Assistant Professor – Ben May Department for Cancer Research, University of Chicago
Copy Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity in Human Cancer Genomes
novel ways to create better lab models to study how cancer starts
Copy neutral loss of heterozygosity (CN-LOH), referring to duplication of one of the parental chromosome or chromosome region and loss of the other, is common but not well-studied in human cancer. We will characterize copy neutral loss of heterozygosity events in nearly 3,000 cancer patients that are whole-genome sequenced across 39 tumor types to identify recurrent copy neutral loss of heterozygosity regions, infer the copy neutral loss of heterozygosity forming mechanisms, and pinpoint candidate driver genes in recurrent regions.
This will be the first comprehensive survey of CN-LOH in cancer genomes, which will lead to better understanding of mutational processes and novel discoveries of disease driving genes.
Copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity in human cancer genomes - Final Report