Aparajita Hoskote Chourasia
PhD Student, Committee on Cancer Biology, University of Chicago
2012-2013 Bernice Goldblatt Scholar
How has being a Goldblatt Scholar supported your career in cancer biology?
As a Goldblatt Scholar, I am able to focus on my research without having to worry about the financial burdens of my graduate education. Currently, I am studying tl,e role of BNip3, a mitochondrial protein, in mammary tumors in the laboratory of Kay MacLeod, PhD. Tumors lacking this specific protein can be very aggressive. My research is focused on understanding the metabolic and signaling changes that activate these tumors. Prior to tl,e University of Chicago, I worked as a scientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Masachusetts, and Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I studied potential tllerapeutics for solid and hematological malignancies.
What are your career goals?
Upon completion of my doctoral studies, I would like to apply the knowledge and experiencesgained from my time at me University of Chicago to advance our current understanding of molecular mechanisms in cancer. A thorough comprehension of these pathways helps us to better understand thedevelopment and progression of cancer and to design targeted tllerapeutics.
Published Articles and Presentations:
Tracy, K., Chen, H., Chourasia, A., and Macleod, K.F. “BNip3limits HIF-1″ stabilization and
metastasis in a mouse model of breast cancer through effects on mitochondrial integrity and ROS
generation.” Callcer ReJeelltĀ·/; 72, (2012). (proceedings: AACR 103rd Annual Meeting 2012, Mar 31-
Apr 4, 2012; Chicago, Illinois .)
Damani, S., Bacconi, A., libiger, 0 ., Chourasia, A.H., Serry, R., Gollapudi, R., Goldberg, R.,
Rappaport, M.,Haaser, S., Topol, S., Knowlton, S., Kuhn, P., Wood, M., Carragher, B., Schork, N.J.,
Rao, c., Connelly, M.,Fowler, V.M. , and Topol, E. J. “Characterization of Circulating Endotllelial
Cells in Acute Myocardial Infarction.” Sci Trawl Med 4, 126-133 (2012).