Manish R. Sharma, MD
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Disease Progression Models for Biomarkers and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Cancer Patients
disease progression model for biomarkers and Patient-reported outcomes in cancer patients
The general purpose of this research is to use data from completed cancer clinical trials to guide the design of future trials and thereby improve the drug development process. In the first aim, Dr. Sharma will develop a model (a mathematical equation) that describes the progression of prostate cancer over time. In the second aim, he will develop a model that describes the development of nerve damage that is a side effect of chemotherapy treatment in breast cancer. He will demonstrate how these models can be used to predict outcomes for individual patients (within a range of possibilities) and to answer specific questions that will inform the design of future clinical trials in these diseases, ultimately leading to better treatments.
Final Report
Young Investigator Award - Final Report
Interim Report
Young Investigator Award - Interim Report